Been readin’ most our lives, livin’ in a bookworm’s paradise

fancy books 06

A few days ago I started a new job as a library assistant! It’s been awesome. How could it not be? I’m surrounded by books all day, talking about books all day, handling books all day, scoping out the back cover descriptions of books all da–I MEAN, definitely not getting distracted by that, of course not, nope. 🙂 I’m kidding, I’ve been way too busy learning the ropes for any distractions. Library work is a lot more complicated than it looks on the outside, hoo boy.

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I got a job in a library! Woo!


You know what, I’m so happy that I’m gonna pack on some more oo to that woo:


A couple weeks ago I started working as a library page, and I ~love~ it.

A page is someone who does the sorting and shelving of returned books. This job was seriously made for me. I have the kind of brain that gets SO AMPED by sorting things, it’s ridiculous. The process of alphabetizing a cart of books makes me feel both energized and calm at the same time. I don’t know how that’s possible but it’s the combo punch of awesome.

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