Waiting game


Still playing the query waiting game. My thumbs have become quite good at twiddling. I could be a competitive thumb-twiddling champion.

Six weeks have passed since I sent this book’s first query. Alas, no word yet. I’m used to this from when I queried my previous novel, so I know it’s normal, but I’m extra-excited about this book, and that first agent in particular who was my tippyest-top choice. Unfortunately, I may have to consider that one a rejection. Agencies with a “no reply = no” policy are tough for authors when you can’t help wondering if your query got buried in their inbox, or worse, if it got eaten by email gremlins before it even arrived. A reply of any kind is a relief. But after six weeks, I’ve decided it’s time to send out another batch.

Speaking of waiting games, I’m also trying to get another short published which I’ve been submitting for a year. Which sounds like a long time, but the number of mags I’ve sent to is actually not that high. It’s just that their wait times are so dang long! And I’ve been super picky about where to submit to.

I started writing a new short recently. A fairy tale. After spending so many months editing my novel, my creative gears are all creaky. Took me an hour to write three paragraphs! I’ll loosen up as I get more into it. Couldn’t write last week because I came down with a cold in which my head felt like a bowling ball filled with wet glue. Anything I wrote probably would have come out like, “And then the rwnfl went to thoeqpngL and said gqgnlkE;LVK;ejfalh.”

Welp, back to twiddling I guess. Anyone need me to start a fire? I’ve got the thumbs for it!

~ Noel

20 thoughts on “Waiting game

  1. It’s harder for me to be patient with short stories. That’s why I’m on Duotrope. You can filter by response time, acceptance ratio, and media.

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  2. Still waiting for my responses to. Got one rejection so far, but that was from one I only sent the day before, so I assume they didn’t even read it. Still, nice of them to reply at all.

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  3. I’m waiting on a couple of responses. It is frustrating isn’t it? It’s heartening for me to hear how you haven’t given up on the story after a year. I have a couple of stories I’ve had rejected once, and never submitted anywhere else, but maybe I should look at them again! Fingers crossed for some news soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my goodness! You should absolutely give them another look!! I’ve had stories published after many many MANY submissions. One rejection is nothin’. I hope you keep submitting, because it really is a numbers game oftentimes.


  4. The query waiting game is tough! It’s over for me agent wise (though I did get a few really lovely personal responses), but I’m still thinking I might submit to some publishers that accept unsolicitied manuscripts. Anyway, good luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good luck to you too! I’m so glad you got some good responses, that takes a bit of the sting out. My first book got some positive feedback too, but unfortunately no takers. Here’s hoping my second does better. 🤞 What genre is your novel? (P.S. Thanks for following my blog! I’ll check yours out too. 🙂)

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  5. Personally I think the “No reply – No” policy anywhere is a disgrace. To me it shows a complete lack of respect for the time and effort that authors have put into their work. I fully accept that places get a ton of submissions and queries on a daily basis but I utterly refuse to accept that places are too busy to send a simple “Thanks, we did receive your work but will not be taking it further.” Particularly in this digital age – it just smacks of laziness and arrogance.

    OK, stumbling down from my soapbox let me just add that it’s great to hear you’ve got some short stories in the works! Although I don’t quite understand your comment about it taking an hour to write three paragraphs, that’s my normal pace 🙂 🙂

    Hang in there – I’m looking forward to buying your books one day!

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    • It does seem a little strange in the age of copying/pasting to not reply with even a form letter… I’m still holding out hope that the 6-weeker might still get back to me. My thumbs may be twiddling but the next two fingers are tightly crossed. Thank you as always for your support!

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  6. Querying is like being in a series of bad relationships. At first, each one is SO EXCITING… but, as time goes by, you start to feel dismissed and ignored and unappreciated. And then you connect, however briefly, with one kindred soul who renews your faith and your enthusiasm. And even when that person turns out to be a commitment-phobe, too, they serve as a reminder that it’ll all be worth it when you find The One.

    In other words, I’m about to start my next round of querying, too, and trying not to let my spirit capsize before I’ve even set out. A fellow thumb-twiddler is about to join your ranks! Huzzah!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, that’s a great analogy. You know, the universe has funny timing… Soon after writing this post, I got 3 rejections very close together. That stung the feels a bit. It’s one thing when they’re spaced out, but all at once? Oof… Still waiting on that first one though. Good luck with your querying! I’m excited for you! It’s nice having friends to go through it with. 🙂

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